Process Thought
"Process Theism versus Classical Theism"
Click here to hear
Part 1 and
Part 2 of a fascinating
debate from the 1980s between Norman Geisler and John Cobb on Process Thought
(a.k.a. Process Theism, Process Theology, Process Cosmology, Process
Philosophy) and the
strange, panentheistic God-world model of A.N.Whitehead. John Warwick
Montgomery was present at the debate and told Norm that he had just
totally destroyed Process Thought.
Lectures on Plotinus
Click here to hear
Part 1 and
Part 2 of Norm's lectures on Plotinus, one of the most influential
Neo-Platonic thinkers. Plotinus inspired Hegel, the
Process thinkers, and several panentheistic God-world models. Norm wrote
about Plato and Plotinus in the book
A History of
Western Philosophy, Volume I.
Norm has written about Process Thought and/or Pantheism in several books:
A History of Western Philosophy,
Volume II
Christian Apologetics
The Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics
The Big Book of Christian Apologetics
The Harvest Handbook of Apologetics
Should Old Aquinas be Forgot?
A Handbook
on Worldviews
God: A Philosophical Argument from Being
Also see
Later writings by other authors that build upon the work of Norm Geisler
"What is Panentheism and its Fatal Flaw?" by C.T. Haun in Joseph Holden,
Ed., The Harvest Handbook of Apologetics (Harvest House, 2018).
This chapter was later expanded into a larger paper titled "Where in the
World is God? Philosophical and Biblical Evaluations of Panentheism"
(2019) at