Licona Articles

“Licona Controversy” Articles

Dr. Geisler’s writings on the Licona Controversy

Dr. Geisler’s First Open Letter to Dr. Mike Licona  (Aug 2011)

Second Open Letter to Dr. Mike Licona (Aug 2011)

Historical Testing for the Genre Theories (April 2014)

Vital Issues in the Inerrancy Debate (January 2016)

Was Mark Confused, or was it Mike Licona? (August 2016)

Preserving Orthodoxy: Maintaining Continuity with the Historical Christian Faith on Scripture

Many of Norm’s other writings on the 21st century inerrancy debates continued at, which Norm started in 2013.

You may read his Defending Inerrancy articles here and watch his inerrancy-related lectures here. You can read the Defending Inerrancy team’s tribute to him here.

Other writings and videos from Dr. Geisler that Remain Germane

The ETS Vote on Robert Gundry at their Annual Meeting in December 1983

Evaluations of Robert Gundry’s Views 

Explaining Biblical Inerrancy

What does the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy *really* mean?  We’re excited to announce that the newest e-book at Bastion Books, titled Explaining Biblical Inerrancy, is a combination of two classic, priceless, hard-to-find, strategic, profound, must-have resources!  In it we’ve got forty pages by Dr. R.C. Sproul explaining the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, twenty-two pages by Dr. Norman Geisler explaining the articles of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics, and ten pages by Dr. Geisler outlining the challenges to and misunderstandings of the ICBI standards of inerrancy that have been common in the last thirty years. Please spread the word and help us get this e-book onto the computers and e-readers of every seminary professor, Bible teacher, and Bible student. Click Here

Methodological Unorthodoxy

Beware of Philosophy: A Warning to Biblical Scholars

Evangelicals and Redaction Criticism: Dancing on the Edges

How To Interpret the Bible (and Bible Prophecy) (Youtube video – 50 minutes) [The common and unfortunate practice of “spiritualizing” prophetic Bible passages may lend itself towards “spiritualizing” other passages that some may label “apocalyptic” (prophetic).]

Purpose Doesn’t Determine Meaning (Youtube video)

Allegorically or Literally? (Youtube video)

Any Evidence for the Resurrection of Saints in Matthew 27? (Youtube video)

Other Bible Scholars and School Presidents Who Take Their Stand on Full Historicity of the Gospels

Paige Patterson Speaks out on the Licona Issue (Dec 2012)

Public Responses to the Slanderous Youtube Videos (Dec 2011)

Dr. F. David Farnell’s Critique of the Genre Interpretation of Mt 27:51-53 (Jan 2012)

Dr. Moody, Dr. Ergun Caner, and the Faculty, Staff, and Student Body of Arlington Baptist College Take Their Stand (Feb 2012)

Another Southern Baptist President (Dr. Emir Caner) Speaks Out on the Licona Issue (Feb 2012)

Former President of Gordon-Conwell Seminary (Dr. Walter C. Kaiser Jr.) on the Licona Issue (Feb 2012)

Dr. Mark M. Hanna Stands Beside Dr. Geisler Against Theological Erosion (Feb 2012)

Dr. Christopher Cone Examines Licona’s Historiographical Method (April 2012)

Benjamin Hlastan Expresses the Missiological Implications of Licona’s Approach(May 2012)

Dr. R.C. Sproul’s Judgment:  “Not Even Remotely Compatible with ICBI” (May 2012)

Links to Other Excellent Blogs and Links

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Application

Dr. Thomas Howe’s Blogs:
The Real Issue: Authorial Intention
Matthew and Sinai
Matthew and Daniel

Dr. Richard Howe on Mike Licona an Inerrancy

JETS 48/2 (June 2005) 301–16

Robert L. Plummer

An Interesting Blog:

The Resurrection of the Jerusalem Saints at the Feast of the Firstfruits
by Gordon Franz

You might also appreciate the book Defending Inerrancy (For more details click here.)

Dr. Norman Geisler was the author, co-author, and/or editor of several inerrancy-related books including A General Introduction to the Bible, From God to UsThe Big Book of Bible Difficulties, Defending Inerrancy, Explaining Biblical Inerrancy, Vital Issues in the Inerrancy Debate, Inerrancy, Biblical Inerrancy, Biblical Errancy: Its Philosophical Roots, A History of Western Philosophy, Miracles and the Modern Mind, Preserving Orthodoxy: Maintaining Continuity with the Historical Christian Faith on Scripture, and A Popular Survey of the New Testament. He was a member of the Drafting Committee of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy between 1977-1987 and also served as the ICBI’s General Editor and Director of Publications.


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