The Unpublished Essays by Norman Geisler
Norm gave hundreds of his old essays that the had saved over the years to Paul Compton to sort through and publish. Most of the essays will be published in multiple volumes by Bastion Books here. Norm’s unpublished essays may be downloaded for free using the links below. Some of these essays may even go back to his high school days! We hope this is an encouragement to seminary students and aspiring scholars everywhere!
Religious Transcendence: Some Criteria (1970, Loyola University.) This is Norm’s ~250-page Ph.D. Dissertation. It was rewritten for general audience and published as the classic book The Philosophy of Religion.
The Use of Analogy in Thomistic Theism (1958, Wheaton College.) This is Norm’s 110-page Master’s Degree Thesis.
Good Sportsmanship (1955, Grade: A-)
Thomas Aquinas as a Spokesman for Scholasticism (1957, Wheaton College)
A Critique of Kant’s Pure Reason as Applied to Theistic Arguments (1958, Wheaton College, A-)
An Enquiry Concerning David Hume’s Understanding of Theistic Argumentation (1958, Wheaton College)
The Nature of Moral Decision / Human Freedom (1958, Wheaton College)
Christ’s View of the Authority of Canonical Scripture: An Inductive Study of the Four Gospels (1959, Wheaton College, A)
Muslim Monotheism (1959, Wheaton College, A-)
Theological Works of Emil Brunner (1959, Wheaton College)
The Natural Theology of Thomas Aquinas: A Synthesis of Aristotle and Augustine (1965, University of Detroit)
The Augustinian Roots of the Thomistic Synthesis (1965, University of Detroit)
A Christology without Christ: A Critique of Cosmological Christology (1976)
Moral Obligation and the Lesser of Two Evils (1978, Trinity Journal.)
Letter to the Editor regarding the Arkansas Case for Creationism (Moody Magazine, May 1982)
Letter to the Editor regarding the Arkansas Creation-Evolution Trial (Arkansas Times Magazine, 1982)
Letter to the Editor (portion) regarding redaction criticism (Christianity Today, 1986)
Is the ‘New Age’ New? (Quotes one of Norm’s BibSac articles from 1987)
Christ’s Resurrection and the Coming Kingdom: Physical or Spiritual (1991)
A Tale of Two Trials: A Study in Contrasts (1998)
A College Student’s Budget (Grade: B+)
A Criticism of the Good Earth by Pearl Buck
‘Acognosticism’: Friend or Foe of Religious Meaning? (Trinity College Era)
Alleged Contradictions of Science
An Essay on Truth (Trinity College era)
“Pessimism” in the Baker Dictionary of Christian Ethics (1973)
“Superman” in the Baker Dictionary of Christian Ethics (1973)
“Romanticism and Ethics” in the Baker Dictionary of Christian Ethics (1973)
“Utopianism” in the Baker Dictionary of Christian Ethics (1973)
Christ and the Categories – or – The Logos in the Cosmos: A Study of the relationship between the seven miracles of Christ recorded in John and the ten categories of Aristotle (1958, Wheaton College)
Piety in Beowulf (Grade: B-)
Fairness of Examinations (Grade: C+)
How did the Non-Literary Text Illuminate the Language, Literary Classification, and Religious History of the New Testament? (Wheaton College era. Grade: A)
Need for Evangelical Cooperation with Roman Catholics (1994)
Our Country, Right or Wrong (Grade: A)
Sir Gawain’s Conflict with the World, the Flesh, and the Devil
Social Ethics and Biblical Holism
Philosophy: The Roots of Vain Deceit (Christianity Today, 1977)